
Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Easy Crochet Snowflake Pattern



Easy Crochet Snowflake

Easy Crochet SnowyFlake Pattern


G Hook recommended, or Hook size of choice

Small bits of cotton yarn or yarn of choice

 Use Magic Circle Technique for closed center


Chain 5
Join into 1st chain with a slip stitch to form a circle

Round 1:
Ch 4 (this counts as as hdc, ch 2) Hdc, Ch2 (5 times) into the circle or magic circle

Round 2:
Work into the 6 spaces you just created
To begin sl st into the first space to the left of your hook.

First snowflake cluster

Ch 3, sl st into same space
Ch 5, sl st into the same space
Ch 3, sl st into the same space
Continue the rest of the clusters as follows:
*ch 1,  sl st into the next space, Ch 3, sl st, ch 5, sl st, ch 3, sl st*


Repeat between * and * 4 more times,

ch 1 and sl st into the very first sl st of this round, bind off
I appliqued my snowflake to a 3" x 5" muslin bag as featured in the photo
I have also applied mod podge to my snowflakes to stiffen and use as a gift tag

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